Rose Aviation quality auditing

Quality Auditing

For small and medium sized organisations, having a full time Quality Manager is an expensive overhead. Furthermore, an internal Quality Manager may not be as impartial as an external auditor.

We can act as the guardians of your Quality Management System, whether it is AS9100 / ISO 9001, EASA Part CAT / ORO, EASA Part 145, EASA 147 or Part M.

Rose Aviation can provide qualified aviation auditors to check how your organisation complies with your quality Management System. Our auditors can provide an impartial review of your company’s procedures and processes, without the overhead of a full time Quality Manager.
For further information please contact Rose Aviation

       About Roseaviation

      Rose Aviation is an Irish company that       specialises in providing consultancy       services to the aviation sector. We offer       a broad range of personalised services,       to meet the specific requirements of our       customers. We maintain an intimate       business relationship, thereby       maximising customer collaboration and       hence customer satisfaction.

Contact Us


Please feel free to contact us by telephone or why not fill out the enquiry form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Phone: +353 (0)1 617 7833
Address: 6-9 Trinity Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.


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